Kepa Acero přežil pád na Mundace. Zlomil si krk i záda

Oblíbený baskický freesurfer a cestovatel Kepa Acero utrpěl 2. ledna vážná zranění po pádu na jeho home spotu, proslulé levačce Mundaka. Jako zázrakem stále dokáže hýbat končetinami, i přes to, že si zlomil páteř na dvou místech, jelikož mícha zůstala naštěstí neporušena. Ale i tak čeká Kepu ve středu těžká operace a doufejme, že se brzy kompletně zotaví a bude znovu provětrávat mundacké barrely stejně, jako den před nešťastným incidentem na Nový rok. 

Kepa celou situaci postoval na Instagram, kde se přidalo během jednoho dne přes 1500 komentářů plných podpory od veřenosti.

“I can only start this post by thanking everyone who has accompanied me in these difficult days. Especially Lander and Iñigo who saved my life at the Mundaka bar. I will be eternally grateful. On January 2 at noon I had a fatal horrible fall in Mundaka. I fell headfirst and at the moment I lost consciousness. The only moment I can remember was under the water, wanting to reach the surface, but my hands and my legs were not taking orders.
Then I thought I'd never get out.
I do not remember anything else. Then I learned that Lander and Iñigo got me on the board and pulled me out of the impact zone. I had even lost my vision. 
My friends ❤ @ natxogonzalez1 @nando_arostegi @eukenimasa and @aletxugironi got me out of the water and after hours of agony I arrived at Cruces hospital. I was told that I had broken my neck, with a broken-​shifted cervical and a broken back. Miraculously the spinal cord was not damaged, so I can give thanks for being able to feel and move my body, legs and arms.
I have the feeling of being born again twice in one day, and my thanks go to all those who have accompanied me, those who rescued me, doctors, who have encouraged me, At random that he has wanted it and life, especially life. Once again thank you very much and now, more than ever, enjoy life to the fullest. I’ll be going into surgery on Wednesday. Unhappy hug to everyone.”
napsal Kepa na Instagramu.

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