Holky z Copycats club řádí v Česku v editu Sewer Cats - The Sequel

Máme tady pokračovaní čistě holčičí street záležitosti s názvem Sewer Cats - The Sequel! Tentokrát parta Copycats club zamířila na naše místní rybníčky a jezy a totálně na nich holky dávaly. To jsme nemohli nechat jen tak, a proto pro tebe máme krom videa i krátký rozhovor!

úvodní fotka od @Mariusmedia

Winch filmů není nikdy dost a o to spíš těch dámských. To je ale hrozná škoda, protože Sewer Cats ukazuje, že to jde a je to sakra dobrý! Pro nás je tenhle film navíc zajímavý i kvůli tomu, že si holky vybraly na natáčení Českou republiku. Dohromady tady strávily měsíc a podívaly se do několika našich měst. Celou dobu je samozřejmě prováděly street spoty v podobě jezů, railů nebo příhodně nahnutých stromů. Doufám, že v tom nejsem sám, ale má něco do sebe vidět za podkresu Helenky Vondráčkové holky jibbovat na winch spotech! Tenhle edit rozhodně stojí za pozornost. Je vidět, jak jde úroveň každým rokem nahoru a my se už teď těšíme, s čím přijdou holky příště!

Hlavní hvězdy filmu jsou Sina Fuchs, Anne Freyer, Joelina Gerards a Luca Glinski, ale v průběhu se k nim přidala i Cosima Giemza, Nadine Richter, Nada Hornakova a Katinka Buiting. Po shlédnutí filmu si určitě dej i rozhovor, ve kterém se dozvíš mimo jiné i co holky říkaly na naše pivo nebo jak se k nim chovali místní!

Crew // @copycatsclub @annefreyer @sinafux @lucaglinski @joelinagerards
Filmer // @patrickcatford
Editor // @sinafux & @wesleymarkjacobsen
Support // @soundboks @fritzkola

Rozhovor s Copycats club 

How did you choose to film in the Czech Republic in the first place?

Somehow, Anne figured out that there’s a lot of Kanu in some parts of Czech. She started to watch super random YT Kanu videos at first and told the crew about the amount of „waterbuildings“ . Everyone was up for doing the tour in czech. We also liked that none of us knew the country before.

fotka od @Mariusmedia

Was it hard to find street spots? How did locals react to you?

Not at all! Google Street View is working pretty good all over the country. We just needed to follow rivers and pick the spots we wanted to hit. Some of the sports we found randomly on our way.
People reacted really nice. They where interested and friendly. Just this one guy, called the police. But he hated people anyway, not just us :D Police was friendly, too.

Did you have time to visit any of our cable parks?

No. If we had the chance to do a day off - we did a day off.

fotky od @Patrick Catford a @Nadine Richter

Have you managed to do everything you wanted here or do you have some more tricks/spots planned out in your mind?

Actually we planned to go Budweis- Pilsen- Tabor- Prague- Liberec but we couldn’t make it to Liberec because so much stuff was going on. We could have done a second month ;)

We admire your wild music choices, but we have to ask you, how did you pick these songs?

Sina had the great idea to use local music, she just went to google and listened her way through.

How did you enjoy our food and of course our beer?

We loved the Beer! We tried to buy always local from the city we were staying. And of course the food was delicious. We were tempted to go out to eat again and again because it was so tasty and cheap.

We totally loved the edit and hope that you enjoyed your stay in the Czech Republic. If you have anything you want to say, now is the time to do so.

Thanks! Means a lot to us! It’s been great! Thanks to everybody who helped out!! Locals, Sponsors, Friends you’re the best! Winch more! Peace!

fotka od @Nadine Richter

Létá v oblacích jak kormorán

Martin Ludvík
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